Car Parking App

Object Oriented Programming

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        This car parking system management application allows users to effectively manage information about cars within a parking system. Users can perform actions such as adding, deleting, or modifying cars. The user can predefine a text file in this case michel.txt where the app can cross-compare the car that is being added to the cars in that predefined file if it exists then the car will be automatically displayed in green which indicates that it has access to the parking. One of the application's unique features is the "Sign In" feature, which allows cars to be marked as authorized entrance into the parking system even if they were not originally on the predetermined list kept in michel.exe. regardless of whether they are initially included in the predefined list stored in michel.exe. If the "Sign In" checkbox is checked during modification, the car is marked as "registered" and displayed in green. If the checkbox is unchecked, the car is displayed in red.


Class Definitions:

  1. MissingDataException:
  1. Cars:

Key functionalities include:

  1. Adding Cars:
  1. Modifying Cars:


  1. Deleting Cars:


  1. Sign In Functionality:
  1. Saving Data:
    • The "Save" button enables users to save the current state of the cars in the system.
    • The data is stored in files (mydata and mydatafor_reopen), facilitating the reopening of the application and loading the previously saved car information.


  1. Reopening the Application:
    • Upon reopening, the application loads the saved data from mydatafor_reopen into the loon list, representing the list of allowed (registered) cars.
    • All cars in the system are cross-checked against the loon list to determine their registration status, and they are displayed in the appropriate color (green or red).


This application provides a user-friendly interface for managing and tracking cars in a parking system, allowing flexible registration based on the user's choice, with automatic registration in green for cars already in the predefined list (michel.exe).


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